Thursday, August 23, 2012

What Do You Suck At?

Danielle LaPorte asked the burning question "What do you suck at?" A GREAT question!

For me there are a few answers. I'll get the ball rolling and ask you to throw in your three cents as well....

I suck at accepting praise. When someone compliments me, I give them every reason in the book as to why "it" happened but I'm not a part of the equation. I have to learn to say thank you.

I'm horrible at delegating. I eliminate delay in all its forms (whenever possible) so have a hard time waiting for someone to get something done. 

I'll add to this over time. 

I live by "When at first you don't succeed, try something you've already been successful at and become masterful at it". That frees up others to step up and show their mastery in areas where I suck. Thus a great partnership or team is formed!

What do you suck at?

What Does Your Picture Look Like?

Life is a puzzle. How you put the pieces together will paint what your life's picture will look like. What pieces are missing? How do you find them and complete the picture?

I was reading Peter Bregman's piece this morning about "Who Are You Really Mad At?" How we treat others is a huge puzzle piece and creates a ripple effect for how others will do the same and whether or not we'll be viewed (and treated) with respect.

A part of that are the questions "Are you living your own story or one that others have of you? Are you living the life others think you should be living or one of your own choosing?" Answer the question and then put those puzzle pieces together.