Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Redefining How Government Works

Do you work in government? Are you a leader? Change agent? Are you wondering what's on the horizon when it comes to taking how government works into the next decade and beyond?

The Center for Radical Improvement is holding a retreat to do just that.

To quote Jeffrey Press, the Executive Director of The Center for Radical Improvement in Washington, DC "The only thing holding us back from radically improving our performance is our beliefs about our work and our organizations. Once we have the opportunity to change those beliefs, a whole different world of possibilities become available." to a Coach's ears, especially one who works within government and political organizations.

Generative and interactive conversations will include:
• We don’t make widgets: overcoming the myths that keep government from radically improving performance appraisals: why they backfire and what to do instead
• the ethics of dissent: managing guerilla government
• creating a high performance culture in the public service
• leading program performance by asking the right questions
• using performance information to drive decision making and improve results

If you're serious about morphing how government works and you're a leader who's had enough of what is, come and help create what can be.

Click here to

Don't miss it!

Donna Karlin

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