Saturday, July 12, 2003

Energy and Time

Recently I read a book on energy management. They maintain it's not about managing time, rather it's all about managing energy. is the key to high performance and happiness. We all know how vulnerable we become when we're exhausted. However, in my opinion you can't separate the two. Time and energy goes hand in hand. If you don't balance your schedule and figure out your priorities, both in work and life, then you're always behind the eight ball in catch up mode until something gives, usually your health. The adage "want something done, ask a busy person" is true. Do they have more time? No! They manage it better.

Many Coaches have commented to me (before really knowing me and how I manage my life) that I'm going to kill myself by how I work. Shadow (or observational) Coaching takes an incredible amount of energy. There is no down time for me, even when my client is working away quietly. You have to be aware of every movement, body language, communication interactions and how they manage themselves. But I don't and won't Shadow four weeks out of the month. It's all about balance and managing time which is the key to maintaining energy flow.

I take one week out of the month to increase my knowledge, do with old clients for them to share their victories, and interview new ones. There's time for paperwork catch-up and, creating new class material for my students and, of course, writing my blogs. Most important...time to replenish energy and just "be".

And as far as I'm concerned, by spending time with people I enjoy being with, balancing my life with living life, which means making sure I get to do the things I've had on my "places to go, people to see, things to try" list, life doesn't pass me by and I have the time and energy to enjoy it.


Donna Karlin

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